College of Staten Island Members Speak Up on Safety Concern, Get Quick Response

From Left, PO Sal Alba and PO and Shop Steward Mark Gardiner

Members deal with changing conditions due to infrastructure problems all the time, and sometimes those issues can lead to other safety concerns for the workers.  At the College of Staten Island, temporary lighting (powered by a generator) was put up outside the entrance gate because of  electrical power failure.     

Peace Officer Mark Gardiner, the shop steward at the facility, heard from members working at the gate that the machine was constantly running and producing fumes.  It was loud and they could smell the diesel all day. He spoke with the college’s Environmental Health and Safety office, who noted that it was a concern. He was also told it would take at least year to fix the electricity. So he reached out to the union for assistance.

“Members who worked in the booth were concerned about working so closely to this very large piece of equipment, and were concerned about what they were breathing in,” noted Jeanette Taveras, Local 237 Business Agent and Trustee. Ms. Taveras and Gardiner met with management at the facility. Action was quickly taken to move the equipment much further from the booth to better protect staff from any of the hazards associated with the equipment.  

“It’s not unusual to have a new hazard brought into a work area when these kinds of issues occur”, said Susan McQuade, the union’s Health and Safety Coordinator.  When any kind of change to working conditions happens, it is important to ask the question ‘Does this change lead to a new hazard coming into our work area’, and if so, what should be done to make it safer for us?”

Original Generator Position

CSI members will continue to monitor the situation, and know that their quick action to speak up led to addressing the issue.

 “The problem was not solved, but a compromise was made and a temporary solution was Implemented,” noted Peace Officer Alba. “The good news is that they are heading in the right direction, and have other departments working to resolve our concerns. The question is - how long is temporary?”  The College has stated that the timeline will be much quicker to restore permanent lighting to the area, and the staff and union will continue to monitor the issue.  
“Working together with my department to resolve problems here at the CSI campus takes a willingness to listen, communicate, and advocate for the members of this campus. That is what makes the difference, and that is what I am proud to be part of,” concluded Gardiner.


The generator was moved further from the booth after members spoke out