If you are not already a member and you are employed in a title represented by Local 237 Teamsters in New York City or on Long Island, consider the benefits of union membership.

Local 237 members have contracts that offer many protections that are not available to non-union workers. And Local 237 members vote on their union contracts that provide, among other things:

  1. Strong protection from layoffs;
  2. A strong grievance procedure that protects your due process rights and guarantees fairness when you have a problem on the job;
  3. Employer/union-funded welfare benefits package that includes in many instances dental care, vision care, prescription drug and disability coverage.
  4. Annual contractual wage increases.

Other benefits of union membership include: Education programs, training and advancement opportunities; Retiree programs and benefits; Social events and gatherings for you and your family; Educational scholarship opportunities; Teamster Privilege Benefits.

As with any other membership into an organization, members are assessed a membership fee or dues. Union dues are automatically deducted from your paycheck and are based on your salary.

Membership Application (Citywide, H+H, Housing)

For information on joining Local 237 call the Membership Department as 212-924-2000 or email jstokes@local237.org.