Local 237 Health & Safety News

FYI For Your Safety - Workplace Health & Safety Tips from Local 237

#17 Keeping Our Members Safe!

The union’s Health and Safety Guide has a lot of  good information on many hazards that our members face.  As we enter the winter months, here are a few  of special interest:

 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us, and share these links with your co-workers! Read More Safety FYIs


Meet Our NYCHA Safety Associates
With Safety Associates at NYCHA developments, Local 237 members have a real voice in workplace health and safety issues. These members attend Safety Congresses (joint labor-management meetings) monthly.  They are our union’s frontline on job safety.  Working with the union and management, Safety Associates reduce and eliminate safety and health hazards. But there is always more to be done.

The Department deals exclusively with issues related to the occupational well being of Local 237 members to ensure that they work within a safe and healthy environment. Top concerns include issues related to excessive stress, respiratory protection as well as airborne and blood-borne diseases. 

The department intervenes at the jobsite to alert management of specific problems and concerns and, when necessary, seeks formal action from the relevant government agencies.

We provide a wide range of services including regular updates, shop steward training, assistance in pursuing job related health complaints and development of a health and safety labor-management agenda. With prevention and early detection our primary focus, we implement safeguards and conducting worksite inspections.

We work closely with the State Department of Labor’s Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau (PESH) and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to resolve issues that arise at worksites. We monitor reports and test results and make use of independent laboratories when we have reason to believe that concerns have not received proper investigation by government agencies.

But members are our most important source of information: our eyes and ears. Help to make your job safe by reporting your concerns and those of your co-workers to Local 237’s Occupational Safety Department or to your business agent. Contact us whenever you observe a worksite problem that appears serious and is not being addressed by management. Examples of health and safety issues include; asbestos concerns, biological hazards (insects, molds and bacteria), chemical hazards (dust, fumes, smoke), physical hazards (vibrations, extremes in temperatures) and ergonomic hazards.

For more information, download the entire   pdf Local 237 Safety and Health Guide (3.93 MB) or look for a specific topic in the fact sheets at right.  Contact your Business Agent or Susan McQuade, Health and Safety Coordinator, if you need help with a hazard at your worksite.

Download and return a   pdf Local 237 H & S Complaint Form (61 KB) For more health and safety resources, click here and for additional Teamster fact sheet topics, click here.

Donald Arnold, Director
Susan McQuade, Coordinator